03-6151 8800 / 012-953 4752 terasmedresources@gmail.com


SENSORY PROFILE 2 TMR-158700038   Infant Sensory Profile 2 –          Caregiver questionnaire for babies from Birth-6 months. TMR-158700045 Toddler Sensory Profile 2 –          Caregiver questionnaire for toddlers ages 7 – 35 months. TMR-158700052   Child Sensory Profile 2 –          Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3 – 14 years. TMR-158700076   Short Sensory Profile 2 –          Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3 – 14 years, items on this questionnaire, –          which are drawn from the Child Sensory Profile 2, are highly discriminating and –          provide quick information for screening and research programs. TMR-158700069   School Companion Sensory Profile 2 –          Teacher questionnaire for student ages 3 – 14 years. TMR-761649700   Adult Sensory Profile –          Complete kit –          Age 11 years and older.
TMR-749160272 BEERY-BUKTENICA DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION (Beery VMI) –          Beery VMI Sixth Edition Starter Kit : Includes manual, 10 full forms, 10 short forms, –           10 visual perception forms and 10 motor co-ordination forms.
TMR-76168218 PEABOSY DEVELOPMENTAL MOTOR SCALES  –          Complete Kit : Includes examiner’s manual, 25 profile/ summary forms, –          25 examiner/record booklets, guide to administering and scoring. –          Peabody Motor Activities Programme manual, –          Peabody Motor Development chart and manipulatives, all in a sturdy storage box
TMR-749152116B RUININKS-OSERETSKY TEST OF MOTOR PROFICIENCY   –          Bot-2 complete kit : Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, –          25 examinee booklets, scoring transparency, training DVD, full set of manipulables in bag.
TMR-158015880 MILLER FUNCTION AND PARTICIPATION SCALES –          Complete kit : Includes manual, 25 record forms for ages 2.6 – 3.11, 25 –          record forms for ages 4.0 – 7.11, workbooks for ages 2.6 – 3.11, 25 –         workbooks for ages 4.0 – 7. 11,25 home observation checklist, 25 classroom observation checklists.
TMR-749128012 WECHSLER INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST –          Complete Kit: Includes examiner’s manual, UK scoring and –          normative supplement stimulus book1, stimulus book 2, pseudoword CD, –          25 record forms, 25 response booklets, pseudoword card and word card in a bag.
DLOTCA BETTERY AND DLOTCA-G BATTERY –          TMR-34560        DLOTCA –          TMR-34560-G    DLOTCA Geriatric –          TMR-34560-CH  DLOTCA Children
TMR-158027241  BAYLEY SCALES OF INFANT AND TODDLER DEVELOPMENT Complete Kit : Includes administration manual, technical manual, 25 cognitive, language and motor record forms, stimulus book, picture book, 3 manipulative sets, 25 social-emotional and adaptive behaviour questionnaires, 25 caregiver report forms and administration DVD in a rolling case.
TMR-749153144  KAUFMAN ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN Complete kit : Includes manual, 4 stimulus books, 25 record forms in a bag
TMR-749166823  WECHSLER PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE Complete kit : Includes Response Booklets 1 (pack of 25), Response Booklets 2 (pack of 25), Response Booklets 3 (pack of 25), Record Forms Ages 2-3 (pack of 25), Record Forms Ages 4-7 (pack of 25), Scoring Key Animal coding, Scoring Key Bug search, Stimulus Book 1,  Stimulus Book 2,  Stimulus Book 3, Zoo location Card set, Zoo location layout set, Block design set, Cancellation Scoring template, Object Assembly,  Admin Manual, Technical Manual, Ink Dabber.
TMR-749123639  WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN Complete kit: Includes administration and technical manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 response booklet, 2 block design books, symbol search & coding scoring key and cancellation scoring  templates with attaché case.
TMR-158338491  WECHSLER NONVERBAL SCALE OF ABILITY Complete kit: Includes, administration and technical manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms,   25 response booklets, spatial span board, object assembly puzzles, picture arrangement cards in a large bag.
TMR-749142070  RAVEN’S – EDUCATIONAL Complete kit : Includes CPM/CVS manual, CPM stimulus booklet, 25 CPM record forms, 25 CVS  record forms, CVS word card and CPM scoring acetate in a bag.
TMR-749168544  KAUFMAN TEST OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT –          Form A Kit : Includes Administration manual, Scoring manual, 2 Stimulus books, USB Flash Drive, (contains Technical Manual, Audio Files, Scoring Keys, Hand Scoring forms, Letter checklist, Qualitative Observation form, Error analysis Forms), Form A Record Forms (25), Form A Response booklet (25), 3 Form A Written Expression booklets (2 each) Soft sided carrying bag.
TMR-749167721  AUTOMATED WORKING MEMORY ASSESSMENT –          AWMA complete kit : Includes, manual, AWMA program, copy of Understanding Working Memory, scorebook.
TMR-158338491  WORKING MEMORY RATING SCALE –          Complete kit : Includes manual and 25 record forms pack of 25)
TMR-150011880  DELIS RATING OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS –          D-REF Q-global Report Usage “Each Rater is considered one usage. One usage includes administration , scoring and reporting.
TMR-749132057  THE AWARENESS OF SOCIAL INFERENCE TEST –          Complete kit : Includes manual, 2 pack of 25 scoring sheets, 2 DVDs