03-61518800 / 012-9534752 terasmedresources@gmail.com


Due to their simple designs, they can offer benefits for a number of children within a department, rather than only catering to one specific child. The Jenx therapy range is simple, flexible and adequate to use for children with all kinds of developmental needs and is developed to be appealing to the children.



Mobyvent is a handy trolley with shelves to support a ventilator, oxygen bottle, suction aparatus or similar to children can bring essential items with them wherever they go.

Mobyvent is designed to clip onto the base frame of a range of Jenx seating and standing systems to ensure proximity. It features two easy clean shelves that will carry apparatus securely comfortable hand grips for pushing along and a holder for an oxygen cylinder.

Therapy Bench

Offering an ideal platform for a variety of activities such as sitting and balancing therapy, dynamic sitting balance and posture improvement.

Therapy Bench is available in 2 different sizes with a half and full length option in each size, suitable for users with a weight of up to 85kg.


The ideal platform to build a structured yet safe and comfortable posture for users up to 70kg who have complex postural or medical needs.

The versatile base offers a wide range of height adjustment – coming low enough to enable children to engage in floor-based activities and raising high enough for even the tallest of care staff to have a comfortable and safe working height when engaging with the child.

15° of tilt in either direction allows for opportunities to change weight distribution to aid in pressure management.

Rolls, Mats and Wedges

Rolls: These can be used to support both legs at the knees.  This helps to increase the stability of the child and helps to prevent legs rolling to the side or the child “windsweeping”. T-rolls are particularly effective in reducing windsweep in lying.Rolls are also a great aid when practising sitting balance and also sit to stand.  They help the child to maintain a neutral or abducted hip position so the child can improve the standing position achieved.

Mats: These are custom made to the size and shape your child needs.

Wedges: Can be used for prone and also supine lying and have accessories to enhance postural control and stability.

Side Lying Board

An adjustable lying surface that offers supported comfort to users while resting or during play activities. Side lying is a great position in which to re-charge and also for joining in with friends within a classroom environment.


Ziggy provides a uniquely versatile positioning experience for children and adults of all ages, whether their needs are simple or more complex.

Key Benefits:

  • To promote activity such as crawling
  • To promote balance when used for sitting either astride or to one side
  • To support a specific posture by placing Ziggy behind or in front of a user to help maintain an overall body posture (whether lying or sitting)To support a younger child in a corner seat position (by bending Ziggy round into a “U” shape and placing on the floor
  • To support a child in a prone position with shoulders raised (in the absence of a wedge), by placing the child in position over Ziggy and bending the product around their hips to keep them in midline
  • To provide elbow/arm rest support for older users when reading/knitting etc, by placing Ziggy around the waist as a soft and comfortable and supportive arm rest

Nursery Table

A sturdy table with a large, clear surface area that is big enough for a child to play or work at most activities with ease, available in three sizes to suit children from 9 months to 6 years. 

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