03-6151 8800 / 012-953 4752 terasmedresources@gmail.com

Seating & Positioning

Posture is an important aspect of daily life for able-bodied and disabled people alike. Posture habits are formed during the years of growth and development.  Our posture has an impact on, and is impacted by, the way we walk, sit and perform physical movements. Many of the products in this section are designed specifically for use by those with complex positioning requirements, where “standard” furniture will not suffice. Our range of equipment and furniture will allow good postural positions to be adopted whilst providing a comfortable, safe and dignified seating or positioning option.
  • Beanbags & Larger Cushions
  • Positioning
  • Pos-Pods™
  • Tumbleforms®
  • Chatsworth Range
  • Vibration
  • Seclusion Furniture