✅ Comprehensive Set for Motor Skill Development: A combination of bricks, poles, hoops, beanbags, balance beams, and other components, designed to be used separately or together in creative activities that enhance physical skills.
✅ Adaptable for Various Age Groups: The components cater to various developmental stages, making it suitable for children of different ages. It supports the development of motor coordination, integration, and movement planning abilities.
✅ Ideal for Physical Education: Ideal for organizing theme-based exercises that help children strengthen their motor abilities while having fun.
✅ Limited Space, Maximum Fun: Perfect for conducting physical activities in limited spaces. The pieces can be arranged in multiple ways to create various exercises and activities for children to engage with.
Play Value
✔️ Obstacle Course for Movement: To build an obstacle course, offering diverse ways to practice different movements and challenges. It promotes spatial awareness and encourages active play.
✔️ Promotes Coordination and Integration: By using different activities and spatial variations, this set helps children develop coordination, movement planning, and body awareness in an interactive and enjoyable way.
Components Included
➡️ Half Bricks × 12
➡️ Bricks × 8
➡️ Hoops (35 cm) × 4
➡️ Hoops (60 cm) × 4
➡️ Poles (35 cm) × 16
➡️ Poles (70 cm) × 8
➡️ Clip A × 12
➡️ Clip B × 12
➡️ Bean Bags × 10
➡️ Balance Beams × 4
➡️ Handprints × 6 pairs
➡️ Footprints × 6 pairs